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About this Session
Identifying and managing disease of cotton in the Mid-southern United States
Presented by: Dr. Tom Allen
Associate Extension Research Professor, Plant Pathologist, Delta Research & Extension Center
Numerous diseases of cotton continue to remain important in the Mid-southern cotton production system. Seedling diseases, foliar diseases, as well as diseases caused by nematodes can all result in yield-losses depending on the year and given situation.
Insects, Weeds, And Diseases. What We Saw In 2020
Presented by: Tucker Miller, III
Mississippi Consultant, Miller Entomological Services, Inc.
Miller will discuss the BG 3 varieties he tested the past year, including three Delta Pine varieties: 2012, 2020 and 2038; two Phytogen: 400 and 390; Nexgen 4936 and Stoneville 4990. He will give a description of how they performed. He also will provide some options to use in place of Dicamba in case farmers lose that treatment. That includes planting Phytogen’s Enlist cotton and using 2-4,d or go back to the old way of planting cotton by using cultivation and Liberty. He also plans to discuss some diseases he’s had to combat this year including bacterial blight and a little target spot.
Though he’s been consulting for the past 48 years, he first began checking cotton at age 15, making it 50 years he’s been in the field. Today, he consults on 25,000 acres of cotton, 5,000 acres each of soybeans and corn, as well as 1,000 acres each of peanuts and vegetables. He grew up on a farm where cotton, soybeans and rice were raised; on his own 2,000 acres, he raises soybeans, wheat and corn, but also raises cotton some years.