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Meet the Speakers
MattFryer Instructor - Soil Science University of Arkansas 501-671-2176 870-318-6919 [email protected]
CraigShelton Certified Crop Advisor Natural State Crop Consulting 501-414-7828 [email protected]
About this Session

Lessons in Soil Health from On-Farm Demonstrations and Cotton Scouting

Presented by: Matt Fryer
Instructor – Soil Science, University of Arkansas Systems Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service

Presented by: Craig Shelton
Certified Crop Advisor, Natural State Crop Consulting

Matt Fryer -The term soil health is vast and includes production practices like no-till and cover crops. On-farm demonstrations were implemented at 20 sites comparing cover crops and no-till to conventional production practices. Components of comparison include: bulk density, aggregate stability, soil nematode populations, in-season moisture sensor data, water infiltration rates, yield, and economics.
Craig Shelton -Many years of crop consulting experience has led Natural State Crop Consulting to advise toward no-till production practices and the use of cover crops. There are challenges and benefits, but the benefits are apparent by the reduction of inputs and overall profitability on a large scale.