Jason Hartman
State Forester|Forestry
Jason Hartman is the State Forester stationed in the State Office in Manhattan. The State Forester oversees, supports and encourages a wide variety of resource management, conservation, and wildland fire management activities of the agencies employees across the state. In his previous role as an Assistant Fire Management Officer for the Kansas Forest Service, Hartman worked with fire departments, private landowners, communities, and partner agencies on wildland fire education, preparedness, training, response, prevention, and prescribed fire. This work included promoting NFPA’s Firewise Communities program in Kansas as well as working with the Kansas Prescribed Fire Council on statewide prescribed fire capacity issues such as prescribed burn associations and smoke management. Prior to his fire management work with KFS Jason worked in forest resource and wildland fire management positions at both the federal and state levels. He graduated from Oklahoma State University with a bachelor's degree in Forestry in 2001.
Phone: 785-532-3309
Cell Phone:
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502
Email: [email protected]