Ajay Sharda
Associate Professor|Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Ajay Sharda received a bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering from Punjab Agricultural University, India in 1998. From 1998 to 1999, he worked for Escorts Ltd. as a service and sales engineer. Sharda returned to Punjab Agricultural University in 1999, received a master’s in farm power and machinery in 2001, and then joined the farm power and machinery department as a research assistant. In March 2003, he became an assistant professor in the department. In 2007, Sharda took a sabbatical to join the biosystems engineering doctorate program at Auburn University. He left his tenured position at Punjab Agricultural University in January 2012 and became a post-doctoral fellow at the Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems at Washington State University. In 2013, he came to K-State as an assistant professor.
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