Jason Warner
Assistant Professor / Extension Cow-Calf Specialist|Applied beef cow-calf production management systems encompassing nutrition, reproduction and the subsequent interactions thereof. Kansas State University
Jason M. Warner grew up assisting with his family’s farming and cow-calf operations in Nebraska. He was active in 4-H and FFA programs as a youth and attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln earning bachelor of science degrees in Animal Science and Grazing Livestock Systems. While at UNL, Jason was a member of the livestock judging and meat animal evaluation teams. Having a strong interest in conducting cow-calf systems research, Jason continued training at UNL and subsequently earned both master's and doctorate degrees in Animal Science. Following completion of his doctorate degree, Jason served beef cattle producers throughout different segments of the cattle industry as part of a private consulting company that focused on providing nutrition and management service to clients. Jason joined the faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry at Kansas State University in 2022 as an Assistant Professor and Extension Cow-Calf Specialist. His objective is to help support the mission of the land-grant system by serving people through extension and research as part of the K-State beef extension team. Jason’s specific focus is to help provide leadership for state extension beef programming efforts, disseminate information to the industry, collaborate with allied industry personnel and stakeholders, conduct applied cow-calf systems research, and serve as a point of resource for area specialists and county extension agents. Jason enjoys spending time with and taking care of his family. He and his wife, Danielle, have two boys — Beau and Woodrow.
Phone: 785-532-1460
Cell Phone:
227 Weber Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Email: [email protected]