(Click on play button above for video.)

Meet the Speakers
Dr. BillRobertson Professor - Cotton Extension Agronomist University of Arkansas System Div. of Agriculture, Newport Extension Ctr. 501-425-0549 [email protected]
Dr. JesseDaystar Vice President & Chief Sustainability Officer Cotton Incorporated 919-678-2245 [email protected]
KarenWynne US Program Coordinator Better Cotton Initiative 256-520-2400 [email protected]
About this Session

Improving Cotton Sustainability: Pilot Program to Demonstrate Implementation and Benefits of the US Cotton Trust Protocol and Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) Better Cotton Program

Presented by: Dr. Bill Robertson
Professor, Cotton Extension Agronomist, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, Newport Extension Center

Presented by: Dr. Jesse Daystar
Vice President & Chief Sustainability Officer, Cotton Incorporated

Presented by: Karen Wynne
US Program Coordinator, Better Cotton Initiative

A production field of cotton located at the Agricenter in Memphis, TN was used as a model for participation in both the US Cotton Trust Protocol and BCI Better Cotton Programs. Prior to the start of this study, cotton was produced using conventional tillage without the use of cover crops. In 2020, the field was split comparing practices to improve soil health including cover crops and greatly reduced tillage compared to the standard practices of conventional tillage using no cover crops. Improvements in sustainability metrics between the two systems will be discussed and compared to the US Cotton Industry goals for improvement. Representatives from both BCI and US Cotton Trust Protocol Programs will discuss their respective programs to meet the improved sustainability needs of our supply chain.