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Row Rice and Cover Crops
Presented by: Keith Scoggins
Farmer/NRCS District Conservationist/Arkansas Soil Health Alliance Member, USDA-NRCS
Presented by: Adam Chappell
Arkansas Farmer: Rice
As production costs associated with rice production continue to rise coupled with current prices, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain a positive margin in Mid-South rice production. Improvements in the production model using cover crops on our farm shave opened the door to explore strategies that have greatly reduced my input costs, while maintaining yields. The ins and outs of 38-inch twin row rice in a cover crop system and impacts on my bottom line will be discussed.
Chappell holds a bachelor’s degree in Botany from Arkansas State University and a master’s degree in Entomology from the University of Arkansas. He raises4,000 acres of soybeans, 2,000 acres of corn, and 1,000 acres each of cotton and rice on about 9,000 acres.