Soybean Foliar Fertilizer Evaluation: What is Working

Nov 12, 2020 by Renee McMahill in

(Click on play button above for video.)

Meet the Speakers
Dr. JeremyRoss Extension Agronomist - Soybean Professor University of Arkansas 501-671-2148 501-944-0621 [email protected]
RobbDedman Arkansas Consultant Ultimate Ag Consulting 870-692-2505 [email protected]
About this Session

Soybean Foliar Fertilizer Evaluation: What is Working

Presented by: Dr. Jeremy Ross
Extension Agronomist – Soybean Professor, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service

Many soybean producers apply foliar nutrient products during soybean reproductive growth as a routine production practice. These applications are made in addition to the use of commercial fertilizer products applied to the soil. Due to the narrowing of production margins, many have questioned if these foliar nutrient products increase soybean grain yield and are profitable. In 2019 and 2020, Arkansas collaborated with 12 other soybean producing state to compare the soybean grain yield response to six commercially available foliar nutrient products. Results from the two locations in Arkansas showed no significant yield increase with any of the products evaluated compared to the untreated check. From these initial results, using these products as a routine production practice would not be recommended.

Soil Fertility In Soybeans And When, And When Not, To Use Foliar Fertilizer

Presented by: Robb Dedman
Arkansas Consultant: Ultimate Ag Consulting

Dedman has studied the importance of fertility in soybeans as good fertility relates to yield. “There are four things that contribute or fail to contribute to good yields,” he says. “In soybeans, we don’t typically get a good response from foliar type fertilizer.” However, there are times when the opposite is true. He will discuss when to use foliar fertilizer.
His first experience with consulting was when he starting scouting rice while in high school under Dr. Nathan Slaton who was the Extension agent at the time. Dedman holds a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from the University of Arkansas, and presently owns his own ag consulting firm, Ultimate Ag Consulting.